Friday 31 August 2012

How to Play Chess |Chess game rules|Rules of chess game

               Chess is a game played between two players only. A board containing 64 squares of alternating colour of white and block. Each player has 16 pieces 1 king, 1 queen, 2 rooks, 2 bishops, 2 knights, and 8 pawns. The chess game goal of checkmate other king.

Starting a Game
          At the beginning of the game the chessboard in the player with the white pieces always moves first. first move on the pawns. It is move possible on first row and second row.

Pawns move

          The pawns move only forward. Pawns can only move forward one square at a time, except for their very first move where they can move forward two squares. Pawns can only capture one square diagonally in front of them. They can never move or capture backwards.

The bishop 
             The bishop moves on only diagonally. Each bishop move on colour of white and block in diagonally. Bishop can only capture on diagonally in front  and back of them pieces.

The Knights

               Knights move in a very different way from the other pieces. The knights  move at a 90 degree angle, just like the shape of an “L”. Knights are also the only pieces that can move over other pieces. it is move possible on forward and backward. It is only jump on other pieces.

The Rook


          The rook moves on forward, backward and to the sides. Rook can only capture on in front and back of them pieces.

The Queen
              The queen is the most powerful piece in chess game . If moved she can move in any one straight direction - forward, backward, sideways, or diagonally - as far as possible as long as she does not move through any of her own pieces. And, like with all pieces, if the queen captures an opponent's piece her move is over. Click through the diagram below to see how the queens move. Notice how the white queen captures the black queen and then the black king is forced to move.

The King

               The king is the most important piece, but is one of the weakest. The king can only move one square in any direction - up, down, to the sides, and diagonally.


           The chess game promotion rule is having Pawns. The pawn reaches the other side of the board it can become any other chess piece. A pawn may be promoted to any piece.


            The  Special rule of castling. This move allows you to do two important things all in one move: get your king to safety and get your rook out of the corner and into the game. On a player’s turn he may move his king two squares over to one side and then move the rook from that side’s corner to right next to the king on the opposite side.  Castle rule use the following conditions
    It must be that king’s very first move
    It must be that rook’s very first move
    There cannot be any pieces between the king and rook to move
    The king may not be in check or pass through check

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How to Play Chess
Chess game rules
Learn to Play Chess

Wednesday 29 August 2012

How many game play cards |different types of play cards

        The playing card using play there are many different types, most of which are listed below.

The most popular game of cards in rummy.the game was two are more player  played today of rummy game.
          The most popular single player card game played today, the game of solitaire  is over 300 years old and is the most popular and widely known single player card game of all time.
            This good and little-known solitaire is easy to play, and can be won reasonably often, however it is not unlikely for your game to get blocked when you least expect it.
Bowling Solitaire
         Bowling Solitaire is a fun and interesting way to play solitaire, it is believed to be one of the simplest card games which uses fifty-two cards and two jokers.

           Canfield is one of the most popular one player card games out there. The target to arrange all the cards into their foundation piles, however the rules for the setup of this game are different from the other solitaire games.
             Clock Solitaire is one of the simplest and has a round format, like the face of a clock which kids find especially fun, while being one of the simplest solitaire varients, it is one of the more luck based games.
FreeCell Solitaire
          Unlike many other solitaire card games, Freecell can be won almost every time it is played, providing the player is skilled.
Golf Solitaire
         Golf Solitaire is a solitaire card game where the player can build the foundation up or down regardless of suit, while attempting to remove all the cards from the columns.
La Belle Lucie
         La Belle Lucie solitaire is a popular and interesting way to play solitaire, where the player is dealt all cards in a 52 card deck into 17 piles of 3 cards each, and one pile with a single card in it.
Pyramid Solitaire
         Pyramid Solitaire is a fun and exciting way to play solitaire, the object of Pyramid Solitaire is to get all the cards from the pyramid to the foundation.
Spider Solitaire
          Spider Solitaire is a more difficult version of Klondike Solitaire. This type of solitaire uses two decks and the object of this type is to create eight sets of the same colour from King to Ace.
TriPeaks Solitaire
              Tri Peaks Solitaire is a popular one deck solitaire game, combining elements of Pyramid Solitaire and Golf Solitaire. However, unlike many other solitaire games, Tri Peaks Solitaire has a good scoring system, which really encourages you to keep playing, to try and get a better score.

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How many game play cards
different types of play cards

Football game history |History of football

            The origin of football can be found in every corner of geography and history. The Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Ancient Greek, Persian, Viking, and many more played a ball game long before our era.
The Chinese played "football" games date as far back as 3000 years ago. The Ancient Greeks and the Roman used football games to sharpen warriors for battle. In South and Central America a game called "Tlatchi" once flourished
          As we go forward on the history of football timeline, we notice that the game has gradually entered European territory, Europe being the place where modern day soccer will start in several centuries. Middle age soccer is covered in a combination of myth and historical facts. One popular form of the game (Mob soccer) involved entire villages or towns and was rather chaotic.
        FIFA formed as early as May 21, 1904 in Paris, but no national competition except for Olympics.As the highest football authority, FIFA made its claim as the organizers of the competition
1920’s – French football administrators, including Jules Rimet, are credited with bringing together the world’s strongest national teams to compete for a world championship of football.
             Decided that 1930 would be the first international competition for the was being called the “World Cup” and “La Coupe de Monde”.Much debate as to who would host first World Cup
FIFA felt it necessary for the first host nation to pay for travel expenses of all referees and national teams;  a clearly expensive proposition, but many European and South American nations showed interest; the likes of football powerhouses: Italy, Spain, Holland, Hungary, Sweden and Uruguay

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Football game history 
History of football 

Monday 27 August 2012

Volleyball Basic Rules |Rules of volleyball

                Volleyball Rules are separated into the following categories
The serve
Playing the game

The serve
             Server must serve from behind the restraining line ( end line ) until after contact.
Ball may be served underhand or overhand.
Ball must be clearly visible to opponents before serve.
Served ball may graze the net and drop to the other side for point.
First game serve is determined by a volley, each subsequent game shall be served by the previous game loser.
Serve must be returned by a bump only. no setting or attacking a serve.



            Rally scoring will be used.
There will be a point scored on every score of the ball.
Offense will score on a defense miss or out of bounds hit.
Defense will score on an offensive miss, out of bounds hit, or serve into the net.
Game will be played to 25 pts.
Must win by 2 points.

      Team will rotate each time they win the serve.
Players shall rotate in a clockwise manner.
There shall be 4-6 players on each side.

Playing the game

Maximum of three hits per side.
Player may not hit the ball twice in succession ( A block is not considered a hit ).
Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on serve.
A ball touching a boundary line is good.
A legal hit is contact with the ball by a player body above and including the waist which does not allow the ball to visibly come to a rest.
If two or more players contact the ball simultaneously, it is considered one play and the players involved may not participate in the next play.
A player must not block or attack a serve.
Switching positions will be allowed only between front line players. ( After the serve only ).

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Rules of volleyball
volleyball rules

volleyball game rules 

The History of Volleyball

                                Volleyball was invented in 1895 by William J. Morgan, who was physical education director of the YMCA in Holyoke, Massachusetts. He developed the game to provide an indoor game for the winter months in which relatively large groups of men could participate in a small gym. The principal features of tennis were employed, but the net was raised and the players struck the bladder of a basketball with their hands instead of racquets.
He intended to create a game for his classes of business when which would demand less physical contact then basketball .Originally the game was called mignonette.
During a demonstration game, someone remarked to Morgan that the players seemed to be volleying the ball back and forth over the net, and perhaps "volleyball" would be a more descriptive name for the sport.
In 1964, Volleyball was introduced to the Olympic Games in Tokyo. In 1984, the United States Men's and Women's teams won medals for the first time. Men’s won gold, Women won silver.
Today there are 24 million Americans who play Volleyball. There are over 800 million people worldwide who play Volleyball at least once a week

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History of volleyball
volleyball history

Friday 24 August 2012

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Playing cards history |History of playing cards

First recorded use of playing cards is from 1371 in Spain. Tarot games first played in Italy 1430's.Poch card game, ancestor to Rummy Royale (circa 1440). Standard card suits in France circa 1480  
  • hearts        
  • clubs       
  • spades                                                                                           
  • diamonds   
Edmund Hoyle (1672 - 1769) writes a series of books (“Short Treatise”) on card and board games of the era (the best known ones were his rules for Whist and backgammon). Cards used for Fortune-telling (Cartomancy) first documented in 1781 in “Le Monde Primitif” by Antoine Court de Gébelin.During the 19th Century AD, Bridge develops from earlier games.

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Playing cards history 
History of playing cards

Thursday 23 August 2012

Chess game history|History of chess game

First developed in India and Persia.Considered THE complex game of strategy and inventiveness.The game of chess is said to be one of the oldest games of skills known to man. Some historians date it as early as the 2nd century, and its country of origin to be China. In China, at that time people were playing a game very similar to chess called Xiangqi. Yet others think that chess  originated in India around 6th century where it was played as Chatarangam.

The spread of the game of chess from its cradle near present day Iran following trade routes to north Africa and the Roman Empire (Spain and Italy) and eventually inland and northward to Russia, Germany, and Scandinavia.

The first documented chess tournament was held in the year 1851 at London and Adolf Anderssen, a German national, won it. This was however, an unofficial tournament and hence there was no title or any reward. Andersen was beaten by Paul Morphy (an American citizen) a little later. The first official tournament took place in London in 1856. This time Steinitz who was a Chechoslovanian national won it. Although third in the line, Steinitz entered the annals of the history as the first official champion of a chess tournament. He kept the title for four decades, till 1894 when Emanuel Lasker beat him.

The first documented chess tournament was held in the year 1851 at London and Adolf Anderssen, a German national, won it. This was however, an unofficial tournament and hence there was no title or any reward. Andersen was beaten by Paul Morphy (an American citizen) a little later. The first official tournament took place in London in 1856. This time Steinitz who was a Chechoslovanian national won it. Although third in the line, Steinitz entered the annals of the history as the first official champion of a chess tournament. He kept the title for four decades, till 1894 when Emanuel Lasker beat him.

In 1921 Jose Casablanca who is considered one of the best ever chess players in the world, took the title form Emanuel. Two other share the honor if being know as the best ever players, i.e. Bobby Fischer and Morphy. Fischer became a world champion at the tender age of only 14! He was the first American to claim the title.

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Chess game history
History of chess game 
chess history

Cricket History | History of cricket

 History of cricket

No one knows when or where cricket began but there is a body of evidence, that strongly suggests the game was devised during Saxon or Norman times by children living in the Weald, an area of dense woodlands and clearings in south-east England that lies across Kent and Sussex. In medieval times, the Weald was populated by small farming and metal-working communities. It is generally believed that cricket survived as a children's game for many centuries before it was increasingly taken up by adults around the beginning of the 17th century.

Growth of Test Cricket

Test cricket remained the sport's highest level of standard throughout the 20th century but it had its problems, notably in the infamous “Bodyline Series" of 1932–33 when Douglas Jardine’s England used so-called "leg theory" to try and neutralise the run-scoring brilliance of Australia's Donald Bradman.
When the Imperial Cricket Conference (as it was originally called) was founded in 1909, only England, Australia and South Africa were members. India, West indies and New Zealand became Test nations before the Second World War and Pakistan soon afterwards. The international game grew with several "affiliate nations" getting involved and, in the closing years of the 20th century, three of those became Test nations also: Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe and Bangladesh.

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 Cricket History 
 History of cricket